Lucasfilm Sent Gifts To A Grieving Star Wars Fan, So Get Your Tissues


Lucasfilm Sent Gifts To A Grieving Star Wars Fan, So Get Your Tissues

One of the benefits of being a massively popular franchise that stretches across decades through multiple mediums is it reaches a lot of people. There are plenty of people out there with an emotional connection to Star Wars, and this can come to light in some pretty touching ways. Just recently, one adult fan suffered a family tragedy, which eventually reached Lucasfilm. The studio then took it upon itself to send the fan and his children some Star Wars gifts. The fan then shared the experience over the internet to thank Lucasfilm for the kind gesture.

Over the weekend, a Star Wars fan posted a thank you to Lucasfilm on Reddit. In his post, the fan detailed his situation and how Lucasfilm went out of its way to help make his family a little happier. The Redditor, who goes by cfjedimaster, wrote that his wife had passed away two months ago and that it's been an incredibly rough time for his family. Thankfully, he has an active support system in his wife's seven siblings and his own seven children. A few weeks ago, one of his friends reached out to Lucasfilm's publicity department and told them about the situation and how what a huge Star Wars fan the man was. They weren't really expecting much to come out of an "out of the blue email" to Lucasfilm, but the studio isn't one to disappoint. The fan received two boxes full of gifts. Each of his seven children reached their own gift bag of merch, each one age-appropriate, and all the right sizes. The fan even received some stuff for himself! He didn't detail what exactly Lucasfilm sent him, but one would wager that there was a pretty sweet mix of toys and apparel.

The fan doesn't know if anyone at Lucasfilm monitors the Star Wars subreddit, but he wanted to thank them for making himself and his kids "pretty damn happy" during this rough time in their lives.

That's a really sweet story, and it's a reminder that Star Wars can be more than just some awesome movies. It's reached multiple generations over the years, and it's nice to hear that Lucasfilm can make people happy when they are feeling down.

Star Wars is bigger than ever, and there's a lot to look forward to from the franchise. Star Wars: Episode IX is the biggest thing on the horizon, and the movie isn't going to arrive in theaters until 2019. After that, it's a bit more unclear. There are a few different spinoff projects in the works, and Rian Johnson is currently working on developing his own original trilogy of films. For more Star Wars news, be sure to keep it right here at CinemaBlend.

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