Would Bianca Ever Let Adonis Back Into The Ring Again After Creed II?
SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for Creed II are in play. If you haven't seen the film, please bookmark this story and come back once you're current.
After taking a massive beating at the hands of Viktor Drago in the earlier half of Creed II, Adonis Creed was lucky to be able to take him on in the film's victorious third act rematch. The reason that final bout was such a lark is the fact that, after seeing her fianc and father of her child pummeled into such a frail state the first time, Tessa Thompson's Bianca really didn't want to see it happen again.
Since Creed II ends on such a victorious high note -- and the box office results of this weekend show some strong, competitive numbers -- one has to ask: Would Bianca even let a Creed III happen where Adonis gets back into the ring? CinemaBlend asked Tessa Thompson that very question during the Creed II press day, and she had the following response:
The thing that I think is so cool about these characters is that really, at their best, they allow each other to be who they are, and to be individuals. And they really are a couple and their lives are even more intertwined this time around. But they make their own decisions, they have their own autonomy. So I don't think she could stop him from doing what he wants to do, but I'm hoping if we [knocks on wood] make another one, that he will have learned a lesson, I think.
That answer epitomizes that crucial scene in Creed II, where Michael B. Jordan's Adonis asks Bianca for, basically, her blessing to fight Viktor for a second time in Russia. In lesser hands, or even a less progressive movie, Bianca might break down in tears and reluctantly yield to Adonis's wishes. Luckily for the audience, Creed II isn't that type of movie. Bianca barely approves of the rematch, telling Adonis in essence that he'd better win this rematch, or else.
It's one of the many reasons that watching a relationship like that of Bianca and Adonis is such a treat in the Creed series. The two characters are seen as equals, and their relationship is one of the healthy, adult variety. So while Bianca might not want Adonis to ever fight again, for her sake and the sake of their child, if there's a good enough reason, she's not going to hold him back. It's even felt in the tone of Tessa Thompson's answer, which we've provided below:
Should there be a Creed III, there was some light talk about potential directions to take that film. But at the moment, there's no immediate plans to push the franchise into a third round. That's probably for the best, because it's basically agreed by all involved that there needs to be a good enough story for a return to happen. After all, Bianca and Adonis are such a good pair that to spoil their love with a subpar sequel would turn fans off like a light bulb.
Creed II is in theaters now. Here are more releases coming to theaters in 2018, and still more ahead in 2019.
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